Thursday, March 10, 2011

Should i break up with my girlfriend because i am staight edge and she is not?

my girlfriend and i have been dating for about 9 months now and i am constantly running into a problem with her... i am straight edge and want nothing to do with alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc... and she drinks and smoke marijuana (possibly other things on rare occasions as well) pretty habitually. thing is.. she left for ohio 3 months ago because that's where she lives and was only visiting minnesota to see her family. she was here for 2 months and we fell very very VERY hard for one another. and since i don't drink or smoke she was influenced by me and didn't need to do any of that. except for a few times where she decided to drink with her family (i was only with her 2 times when she was drunk and i was disgusted) and she told me openly. but she also doesn't know i'm straight edge exactly. she just thinks i don't do that stuff because i like to take care of myself because i work out and run everyday for the military. anyway.. now that she is in ohio the demons got to her and she is doing all that stuff. she will just tell me that she went out drinking and i KNOW she smokes marijuana because of the way she sounds over the phone or the things she says when she's high. and she throws around the word munchies here and there. drugs and alcohol simply just piss me off. i hate them. i just can't see why people do them... i wont go on about that, but it really just hurts me how she does that stuff, especially since im not there to push her away from that stuff. it really just hurts. im not suree what to do. iw ant to just break up with her and say that maybe i found someone else.. on the other hand i want to just go through this until i get her back in about another 2 months. i want to keep her because she is so unique and fits my personality PERFECTLY. the only thing that separates me from her is that she likes to live on the edge and i don't. it might be just one thing but to me it is pretty critical in a relationship. sorry this is long and has a lot of grammatical errors but i'm not in the mood to care. i would just like your opinion on my situation and it would be greatly appreciated. thank you

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